Our Featured Jobs
ILRI Consultancy- Assessment of potential for community rangeland health workers
Nairobi, Kenya
ILRI PhD Graduate Fellowship- Climate Change and Conflict: Mitigation through Insurance
Nairobi, Kenya
Post Doctoral Scientist - Ruminant Nutrition & Enteric Methane Emissions
Nairobi, Kenya
Post Doctoral Scientist - Soil and Manure Nutrient Cycling and GHG Emissions
Nairobi, Kenya
Research officer - Epidemiology One Health
Nairobi, Kenya
Technical Assistant II
Nairobi, Kenya
Animal and Human Health
ILRI Internship
Nairobi, Kenya
ILRI PhD Graduate Fellowship- Climate Change and Conflict: Mitigation through Insurance
Nairobi, Kenya
Corporate Services
Feed and Forages Biosciences
Livestock Genetics
Sustainable Livestock Systems
Sustainable Livestock Systems Program (SLS)
ILRI Consultancy- Assessment of potential for community rangeland health workers
Nairobi, Kenya
Post Doctoral Scientist - Ruminant Nutrition & Enteric Methane Emissions
Nairobi, Kenya
Post Doctoral Scientist - Soil and Manure Nutrient Cycling and GHG Emissions
Nairobi, Kenya